

One summer camp God called out to her and spoke that she was to make more time to step up into youth leadership. She finished out her last year of softball and stepped into the youth leadership program at church. She is a leader, even when she plays sports she brought a peace to the team, her focus and faith would help the pitchers and the team.

The prayer of a father…

Heavenly Father,
I thank you for my daughter and for the gifts you have given her. I praise You Lord for the incredible time of watching her develop and use her athletic abilities through softball, soccer, dance, and gymnastics and the coaches who encouraged her (Todd, Triston, Garry, Kevin to name a few). I praise You Lord for the spiritual sensitivity You gave her to hear you at youth camp and for her to have the boldness and courage to step up and be called into ministry where she can help lead others into Your presence. I praise You Lord for spiritual leaders when she was younger (her mom, miss Colleen, and others at church) and now in youth with incredible pastors like Josh, Carrie and Keldon. Anoint her Lord with boldness and courage so that she will walk all the days of her life in alignment with You, glorifying and praising You all the days of her life, so that in and through it all, You will receive the praise, the honor, and the glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.